
Grand Manège - Namur Concert Hall - 20:00


Frank Theuns, traverso
Sophie Gent, violin
Bertrand Cuiller, harpsichord
Les Muffatti

Johann Sebastian BACH
Ouverture (Suite) nr.2 BWV 1067
Brandeburg concerto nr.5 BWV 1050
Triple Concerto for flute, violin and harpsichord BWV 1044



Automne musical de Spa - 20:00


Frank Theuns, traverso
Sophie Gent, violin
Bertrand Cuiller, harpsichord
Les Muffatti

Johann Sebastian BACH
Ouverture (Suite) nr.2 BWV 1067
Brandeburg concerto nr.5 BWV 1050
Triple Concerto for flute, violin and harpsichord BWV 1044


Information and reservation

Past events

06.08.2024 - Bach en Combrailles - église Saint-Michel, Pontaumur

Das Dresdner Konzert

26.07.2024 - Festival Midis Minimes

Abbandonata !

16.07.2024 - Ars in Cathedrali - Cathédrale Saints Michel et Gudule, Bruxelles

Mr Handel’s Invention

18.05.2024 - Tage Alter Musik Regensburg

J. S. Bach, Concertos for organ and strings, 2nd part

28.04.2024 - Festival Stuttgart Barock

Abbandonata !

See all past concerts